1hour And 20minutes Of Kane Mac OS

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The current Unix epoch time is

MacOS is a fairly straightforward operating system. It comes with a rich suite of apps to simplify everyday tasks like email and web browsing. It integrates well with Apple’s family of mobile devices like the iPhone and iPad. Setting Up Your New Mac Setting up your Mac will take around 20 minutes, during which you’ll be guided through the. These periods can be used for working with offline charts. The constants of non-standard timeframes are included in the MQL4 language to enable translation and compilation of MQL5 programs, where these timeframes are standard and are included in the ENUMTIMEFRAMES enumeration.

Convert epoch to human-readable date and vice versa

Press c to clear all forms.

Epoch dates for the start and end of the year/month/day

Convert seconds to days, hours and minutes

What is epoch time?

The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).Literally speaking the epoch is Unix time 0 (midnight 1/1/1970), but 'epoch' is often used as a synonym for Unix time.Some systems store epoch dates as a signed 32-bit integer, which might cause problems on January 19, 2038 (known as the Year 2038 problem or Y2038).The converter on this page converts timestamps in seconds (10-digit), milliseconds (13-digit) and microseconds (16-digit) to readable dates.

Human-readable time Seconds
1 hour3600 seconds
1 day86400 seconds
1 week604800 seconds
1 month (30.44 days) 2629743 seconds
1 year (365.24 days) 31556926 seconds

How to get the current epoch time in ...

1hour and 20 minutes of kane mac os x
PHPtime()More PHP
Pythonimport time; time.time()Source
RubyTime.now (or Time.new). To display the epoch: Time.now.to_i
PerltimeMore Perl
Javalong epoch = System.currentTimeMillis()/1000; Returns epoch in seconds.
C#DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds() (.NET Framework 4.6+/.NET Core), older versions: var epoch = (DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds;
Objective-C[[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]; (returns double) or NSString *currentTimestamp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@'%f', [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]];
C++11double now = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()).count();
Luaepoch = os.time([date])
VBScript/ASPSee the examples
AutoIT_DateDiff('s', '1970/01/01 00:00:00', _NowCalc())
DelphiEpoch := DateTimetoUnix(Now); Tested in Delphi 2010.
Erlang/OTPerlang:system_time(seconds). (version 18+), older versions: calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(calendar:universal_time())-719528*24*3600.
MySQLSELECT unix_timestamp(now())More MySQL examples
PostgreSQLSELECT extract(epoch FROM now());
SQLiteSELECT strftime('%s', 'now');
SQL ServerSELECT DATEDIFF(s, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', GETUTCDATE())
IBM InformixSELECT dbinfo('utc_current') FROM sysmaster:sysdual;
JavaScriptMath.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000.0) The getTime method returns the time in milliseconds.
Visual FoxProDATETIME() - {^1970/01/01 00:00:00} Warning: time zones not handled correctly
Gotime.Now().Unix()More Go
Adobe ColdFusion<cfset epochTime = left(getTickcount(), 10)>
Tcl/Tkclock seconds
Unix/Linux Shelldate +%s
Solaris/usr/bin/nawk 'BEGIN {print srand()}' Solaris doesn't support date +%s, but the default seed value for nawk's random-number generator is the number of seconds since the epoch.
PowerShell[int][double]::Parse((Get-Date (get-date).touniversaltime() -UFormat %s))
Other OS's Command line: perl -e 'print time' (If Perl is installed on your system)

Convert from human-readable date to epoch

PHPstrtotime('15 November 2018') (converts most English date texts) or:
date_create('11/15/2018')->format('U') (using DateTime class) More PHP
Pythonimport calendar, time; calendar.timegm(time.strptime('2000-01-01 12:34:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
RubyTime.local(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, usec ) (or Time.gm for GMT/UTC input). To display add .to_i
PerlUse the Perl Epoch routines
Javalong epoch = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat('MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss').parse('01/01/1970 01:00:00').getTime() / 1000; Timestamp in seconds, remove '/1000' for milliseconds.
VBScript/ASPDateDiff('s', '01/01/1970 00:00:00', time field)More ASP
AutoIT_DateDiff('s', '1970/01/01 00:00:00', 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS')
DelphiEpoch := DateTimeToUnix(StrToDateTime(myString));
CUse the C Epoch Converter routines
Ras.numeric(as.POSIXct('YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss', tz = 'GMT', origin='1970-01-01')) The origin parameter is optional
GoExample code
Adobe ColdFusionint(parseDateTime(datetime).getTime()/1000);
MySQLSELECT unix_timestamp(time) Time format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS or YYMMDD or YYYYMMDD
More on using Epoch timestamps with MySQL
PostgreSQLSELECT extract(epoch FROM date('2000-01-01 12:34'));
With timestamp: SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2018-02-16 20:38:40-08');
With interval: SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM INTERVAL '5 days 3 hours');
SQLiteSELECT strftime('%s',timestring);
SQL ServerSELECT DATEDIFF(s, '1970-01-01 00:00:00', time field)
JavaScriptUse the JavaScript Date object
Unix/Linux Shelldate +%s -d'Jan 1, 1980 00:00:01' Replace '-d' with '-ud' to input in GMT/UTC time.

Convert from epoch to human-readable date

PHPdate(output format, epoch); Output format example: 'r' = RFC 2822 date, more PHP examples
Pythonimport time; time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000', time.localtime(epoch))Replace time.localtime with time.gmtime for GMT time. Or using datetime:import datetime; datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(epoch).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
C#private string epoch2string(int epoch) {
return new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddSeconds(epoch).ToShortDateString(); }
PerlUse the Perl Epoch routines
JavaString date = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat('MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss').format(new java.util.Date (epoch*1000)); Epoch in seconds, remove '*1000' for milliseconds.
Luadatestring = os.date([format[,epoch]])
VBScript/ASPDateAdd('s', epoch, '01/01/1970 00:00:00')More ASP
AutoIT_DateAdd('s', $EpochSeconds , '1970/01/01 00:00:00')
DelphimyString := DateTimeToStr(UnixToDateTime(Epoch)); Where Epoch is a signed integer.
CUse the C Epoch Converter routines
Objective-CNSDate * myDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:epoch]; NSLog(@'%@', date);
Ras.POSIXct(epoch, origin='1970-01-01', tz='GMT')
GoExample code
Adobe ColdFusionDateAdd('s',epoch,'1/1/1970');
MySQLFROM_UNIXTIME(epoch, optional output format) Default output format is YYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. If you need support for negative timestamps: DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(FROM_UNIXTIME(0), interval -315619200 second),'%Y-%m-%d') (replace -315619200 with epoch) More MySQL
PostgreSQLPostgreSQL version 8.1 and higher: SELECT to_timestamp(epoch);Source Older versions: SELECT TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 'epoch' + epoch * INTERVAL '1 second';
SQLiteSELECT datetime(epoch_to_convert, 'unixepoch'); or local timezone: SELECT datetime(epoch_to_convert, 'unixepoch', 'localtime');
Oracle PL/SQLSELECT to_date('01-JAN-1970','dd-mon-yyyy')+(1526357743/60/60/24) from dual
Replace 1526357743 with epoch.
SQL ServerDATEADD(s, epoch, '1970-01-01 00:00:00')
IBM InformixSELECT dbinfo('utc_to_datetime',epoch) FROM sysmaster:sysdual;
Microsoft Excel / LibreOffice Calc=(A1 / 86400) + 25569 Format the result cell for date/time, the result will be in GMT time (A1 is the cell with the epoch number). For other time zones: =((A1 +/- time zone adjustment) / 86400) + 25569.
Crystal ReportsDateAdd('s', {EpochTimeStampField}-14400, #1/1/1970 00:00:00#) -14400 used for Eastern Standard Time. See Time Zones.
JavaScriptUse the JavaScript Date object
Tcl/Tkclock format 1325376000Documentation
MATLABdatestr(719529+TimeInSeconds/86400,'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS')
IBM PureData System for Analyticsselect 996673954::int4::abstime::timestamp;
Unix/Linux Shelldate -d @1520000000 Replace 1520000000 with your epoch, needs recent version of 'date'. Replace '-d' with '-ud' for GMT/UTC time.
Mac OS Xdate -j -r 1520000000
PowerShellFunction get-epochDate ($epochDate){ [timezone]::CurrentTimeZone.ToLocalTime(([datetime]'1/1/1970').AddSeconds($epochDate)) }, then use: get-epochDate 1520000000. Works for Windows PowerShell v1 and v2
Other OS'sCommand line: perl -e 'print scalar(localtime(epoch))' (If Perl is installed) Replace 'localtime' with 'gmtime' for GMT/UTC time.

Thanks to everyone who sent me corrections and updates!

More date related programming examples: What's the current week number? - What's the current day number?

Please note: All tools on this page are based on the date & time settings of your computer and use JavaScript to convert times. Some browsers use the current DST (Daylight Saving Time) rules for all dates in history. JavaScript does not support leap seconds.

Develop, build, test, and sign Apple apps on Amazon EC2

Amazon EC2 Mac instances enable customers to run on-demand macOS workloads in the cloud for the first time, extending the flexibility, scalability, and cost benefits of AWS to all Apple developers. With EC2 Mac instances, developers creating apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and Safari can provision and access macOS environments within minutes, dynamically scale capacity as needed, and benefit from AWS’s pay-as-you-go pricing.

Powered by AWS Nitro System, EC2 Mac instances are built on Apple Mac mini computers featuring Intel Core i7 processors, and offer customers a choice of macOS Mojave (10.14), macOS Catalina (10.15), and macOS Big Sur (11.2.1). Access the Amazon EC2 Mac User Guide here.


Quickly provision macOS environments

Time and resources previously spent building and maintaining on-premises macOS environments can now be refocused on building creative and useful apps. Development teams can now seamlessly provision and access macOS compute environments to enjoy convenient, distributed testing and fast app builds, bringing additional choice to developers so they can use Mac as their trusted platform, on-premises or in the cloud. EC2 Mac instances offload the heavy lifting that comes with managing infrastructure to AWS, which means Apple developers can focus entirely on building great apps.

Reduce costs

EC2 Mac instances allow developers to launch macOS environments within minutes, adjust provisioned capacity as needed, and only pay for actual usage with AWS’s pay-as-you-go pricing. Developers save money since they only need to pay for the systems that are in use. For example, more capacity can be used when building an app, and less capacity when testing.

Extend your toolkits

EC2 Mac instances provide developers with seamless access to dozens of AWS services so they can more easily and efficiently collaborate with team members, and develop, build, test, analyze, and improve their apps. Similar to other EC2 instances, customers can easily use EC2 Mac instances together with AWS services and features like Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for network security, Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) for expandable storage, Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) for distributing build queues, Amazon FSx for scalable file storage, and AWS Systems Manager (SSM) for configuring, managing, and patching macOS environments.


Built on Apple Mac hardware

Amazon EC2 Mac instances are built on Apple Mac mini computers, featuring 8th Generation 3.2GHz (4.6GHz turbo) Intel Core i7 processors with 6 physical/12 logical cores, and 32GiB of Memory.

Enabled by the AWS Nitro System

The AWS Nitro System is a rich collection of building blocks that offloads many of the traditional software-defined functions to dedicated hardware and software to deliver high performance, high availability, and high security. Amazon EC2 Mac instances are uniquely enabled by the AWS Nitro System, which makes it possible to offer Mac mini computers as fully integrated and managed EC2 instances to provide 10 Gbps of VPC network bandwidth and 8 Gbps of EBS storage bandwidth.

Scaled on highly reliable infrastructure

EC2 Mac instances are designed so that customers can build critical applications with confidence. AWS has the most secure, extensive, and reliable global infrastructure for running workloads that require high availability, and is recognized as an industry leader for uptime standards. EC2 Mac instances enable your macOS workloads to benefit from the scale, elasticity, reliability, and experience that AWS’s secure, on-demand infrastructure has offered to millions of customers for more than a decade.

Product Details

Instance SizevCPUMemory (GiB)Instance StorageNetwork Bandwidth (Gbps)EBS Bandwidth (Mbps)EBS IOPS (16k block)


EC2 Mac instances are available for purchase as Dedicated Hosts through On Demand and Savings Plans pricing models. Billing for EC2 Mac instances is per second with a 24-hour minimum allocation period to comply with the Apple macOS Software License Agreement. Through On Demand, you can launch an EC2 Mac host and be up and running within minutes. At the end of the 24-hour minimum allocation period, the host can be released at any time without further commitment. With Savings Plans, you can save up to 44% off On Demand pricing with a 3-year commitment. Both Compute and Instance Savings Plans are available. For more information on Dedicated Hosts, please see the Dedicated Hosts product page. In addition to the table below, you can also access EC2 Mac pricing on the AWS Pricing Calculator for Dedicated Hosts.

  • North America (N. Virginia, Ohio, Oregon)
  • 3-year term
    Purchase OptionOn-DemandInstance Savings PlanCompute Savings Plan
    TermsPay-as-you-goAll UpfrontPartial upfrontNo UpfrontAll UpfrontPartial upfrontNo Upfront
    Price per Hour$1.083$0.611$0.650$0.702$0.764$0.780$0.842
    Savings over On-DemandN/A44%40%35%29%28%22%
    1-year term
    Purchase OptionOn-DemandInstance Savings PlanCompute Savings Plan
    TermsPay-as-you-goAll UpfrontPartial upfrontNo UpfrontAll UpfrontPartial upfrontNo Upfront
    Price per Hour$1.083$0.849$0.867$0.910$1.019$1.040$1.083
    Savings over On-DemandN/A22%20%16%6%4%0%
  • 3-year term
    Purchase OptionOn-DemandInstance Savings PlanCompute Savings Plan
    TermsPay-as-you-goAll UpfrontPartial upfrontNo UpfrontAll UpfrontPartial upfrontNo Upfront
    Price per Hour$1.354$0.764$0.812$0.764$0.955$0.975$1.053
    Savings over On-DemandN/A44%40%35%29%28%22%
    1-year term
    Purchase OptionOn-DemandInstance Savings PlanCompute Savings Plan
    TermsPay-as-you-goAll UpfrontPartial upfrontNo UpfrontAll UpfrontPartial upfrontNo Upfront
    Price per Hour$1.354$1.062$1.083$1.137$1.274$1.300$1.354
    Savings over On-DemandN/A22%20%16%6%4%0%
  • 3-year term
    Purchase OptionOn-DemandInstance Savings PlanCompute Savings Plan
    TermsPay-as-you-goAll UpfrontPartial upfrontNo UpfrontAll UpfrontPartial upfrontNo Upfront
    Price per Hour$1.207$0.681$0.724$0.782$0.852$0.869$0.939
    Savings over On-DemandN/A44%40%35%29%28%22%
    1-year term
    Purchase OptionOn-DemandInstance Savings PlanCompute Savings Plan
    TermsPay-as-you-goAll UpfrontPartial upfrontNo UpfrontAll UpfrontPartial upfrontNo Upfront
    Price per Hour$1.207$0.947$0.996$1.104$1.136$1.159$1.207
    Savings over On-DemandN/A22%20%16%6%4%0%


'Intuit is a mission-driven, global financial platform company. Its products - including TurboTax, QuickBooks, and Mint - are designed to empower more than 50 million consumer, small business and self-employed customers around the world to improve their financial lives. EC2 Mac instances, with their familiar EC2 interfaces and APIs, have enabled us to seamlessly migrate our existing iOS and macOS build-and-test pipelines to AWS, altogether improving developer productivity. We’re experiencing up to 30 percent better performance over our data center infrastructure, thanks to elastic capacity expansion, and a high availability setup leveraging multiple zones. We’re now running around 80 percent of our production builds on EC2 Mac instances, and are excited to see what the future holds for AWS innovation in this space.'

Pratik Wadher, VP of Product Development, Intuit

Listen to Pratik Wadher, the VP of Product Development at Intuit, describe how and why Intuit is using Amazon EC2 Mac instances.

“FiLMiC, Inc. is the creator of the award-winning mobile cinema camera app, FiLMiC Pro. With a global team of filmmakers, photographers, creatives and software developers who share the same passion for mobile cinema and content creation, FiLMiC has designed what has become the industry's most sought-after app that transforms a simple mobile device into a cinematic film camera. Amazon EC2 Mac instances give us the ability to scale up our continuous integration build farm in order to quickly go through development, testing and TestFlight stages. This leads to better velocity and more time working on the fun stuff.”

Seth Faxon, iOS Development Manager, FiLMiC

“At Ring, we are committed to making home and neighborhood security accessible and effective for everyone while working hard to bring communities together. EC2 Mac instances will allow us to migrate our Apple build infrastructure to AWS, unlocking the scalability, reliability, security, and capabilities of AWS for all our Apple developers. These EC2 Mac instances will also let us quickly scale up our Mac build fleet whenever we need it, simplify cross-platform app development through consolidation on a single infrastructure provider, and ultimately accelerate innovations for thousands of our Apple customers.”

Joshua Roth, CTO


Amazon EC2 Mac Instances now support macOS Big Sur
Integrating EC2 macOS workers with EKS and Jenkins
November 30th, 2020

1hour And 20 Minutes Of Kane Mac Os Update

Use Amazon EC2 Mac Instances to Build & Test macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, and watchOS Apps

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