Box2DFun Mac OS

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Per our OS support policy, we will maintain support for Box on the two latest versions of Mac OS X. To continue to enjoy Box support, please be sure you’re on a supported OS, either OS X 10.14 or OS X 10.13, after this EOL date. Following the EOL date, users will be able to access these applications on OS X 10.12, but will be entirely. For Mac OS X hosts, Oracle VirtualBox ships in a disk image ( dmg ) file. Perform the following steps: Double-click on that file to have its contents mounted.

Please note: in the past, users have synced data with Box Sync. Box Drive is now recommended instead.

NOTE: This document is a modified version of documentation available in the Help section at For the latest information on installing and using Box Sync for Mac, please go to


You can synchronize content across multiple computers and devices by using the Box Sync application. Follow these directions for installing, configuring, and using Box Sync on the Mac OS X platform.

Download Box Sync

  • Download and install the Box Sync from:
  • If the disk image does not automatically open, go to your Downloads folder and double-click 'Box Sync Installer'.
  • Double-click the Box icon to launch the installer. You may receive an alert indicating this software is an application downloaded from the Internet. Click the 'Open' button.
  • When prompted, provide your local computer user credentials (NOTE: You must be have Administrator Access to your computer in order to download BoxSync. If you are not an Administrator to your computer, contact your local IT Support).
  • The installer will begin adding Box software to your computer but it may appear that nothing is happening.
  • When the software has been installed, a new window will appear asking for your information. Click the option 'Use Single Sign On (SSO)'.
  • Enter your Duke email address and select 'Log In'.
  • You should now see the Shibboleth authentication page. Enter your Duke netid and password.
  • Your synced files are stored in a new folder called Box Sync. You can access this folder from the FAVORITES section in the left pane of your Finder window.

Choose Content to Sync

Now that Box Sync is installed, you can work on files from your Box Sync folder or the Box website it’s your choice. Any changes you make in either location will be in sync. You can access your Box folder on your computer in a variety of ways:

Box2dfun Mac Os Catalina

  • Click the More Options drop down arrow next to a folder.
  • Select More Options and then select Sync.
  • Click the Sync Folder button to begin syncing to your computer. A blue tick will indicate a successful sync.

Please note that you must have Editor Access or above to use Box Sync on a folder.

Once Box Sync is installed, you can add files and folders to your local Box Sync folder and these additions will automatically be uploaded to and sync with the Box website. And as you add items to your sync folder on your computer, they will be uploaded to Box.

Working on Box Sync

Now that Box Sync is installed, you can work on files from your Box Sync folder or the Box website, it's your choice. Any changes you make in either location will be in sync. You can access your Box folder on your computer in a variety of ways:

  • You can select the 'b' icon in the top right corner of your screen where you can select your Box folder or open the Box sync web site.
  • A link to the Box sync folder is available in 'Favorites' in your Finder window.

Getting Help

If you are having issues installing, configuring, or using Box Sync, please check with your local support staff for assistance or contact the Service Desk.

For more help with please click KB0016658

Please click on KB0016669 for escalation procedures

Box2D C++ tutorials - Setting up (Mac OSX)

Last edited: July 14 2013
Chinese version ->中文

Building the testbed (Mac OSX)

Let's look at the process of setting up the default 'testbed'which is part of the Box2d source code base. The testbed is a veryuseful tool which contains examples of various features which you caninteract with using the mouse, adjust parameters, pause and step thesimulation etc.
The simplest way to build the Box2D library is to use the cmake filewhich is included in the source code download. For this you will need the cmake tool,which you can download from here, andXCode which you can download from Apple's developer site( you have registered. When installing cmake be sure to choose the 'Install command line links'option so you can use the tool in a terminal. Since we'll be using cmake, all we really needfor compiling is the gcc compiler itself, but apparently it is notdistributed as a single tool so you'll need to get the whole XCode package(somebody let me know if I'm wrong about that). XCode is also available on the Snow Leopard DVD if you have one.
After installing XCode and cmake, download the Box2D source code archive from here.The rest of theprocess is the same as for linux:
After this you should see that some new folders have been created, oneof which is 'Testbed' and this in turn contains an executable filecalled 'Testbed', so the app can be started like this:You should see the testbed window showing like this:
Select from the drop-down list in the top right to try out the teststhat are currently in the testbed. We will be adding our own items intothis list later on.

Box2dfun Mac Os Download

Box2dfun Mac Os X

Testbed features

Apart from the obvious features visible in the right hand controlpanel, the testbed also allows you to:
  • Move the view around - arrow keys or drag with right mousebutton
  • Zoom the view - z,x keys
  • Grab objects in the scene - left mouse button
  • Launch a bomb into the scene from a random location - space bar
  • Launch a bullet into the scene - drag left mouse button whileholding shift, then let go
Depending on which test you view, you can sometimes use the keyboard tointeract with the scene too. We will make use of the mouse and keyboardinteractions in these tutorials.