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- Today Apple showed off the first 3 Macs featuring Apple Silicon CPUs instead of Intel CPUs specifically for macOS Big Sur. Their new ARM-based system on a chip called M1 will power the new MacBook Air, Mac Mini, and MacBook Pro. Apple made many impressive claims about the power, speed, graphics, and battery life of these new Macs.
- 10 second version: 1. Click the wifi icon in the top right corner of your screen. Click on the network to which you want to connect. Type in the network password. Log into your Mac. A 'Home' network is usually associated.
Before showing you how to set JAVA_HOME on all the operation systems, let's explain what is an environment variable? And what is the use of JAVA_HOME environment variable?
Table of Contents
In Mac OS 9 and earlier versions of Mac OS X, Software Update was a standalone tool. The program was part of the CoreServices in OS X. It could automatically inform users of new updates (with new features and bug and security fixes) to the operating system, applications, device drivers, and firmware. All updates required the user to enter their.
- Set JAVA_HOME on Windows
- Set JAVA_HOME on Mac OS X
- Set JAVA_HOME on Linux
As a prerequisite you will need to have a installed JDK or JRE on your machine. See for details in article Install JDK aka Java SDK
As you probably know, almost all java code has a variable that stores a value which is used many times in a program. An environment variable is like a final variable (in java) but for your environment. So, JAVA_HOME is a environment variable used to point to the directory where JRE or JDK is installed in your environment.
Let's go right to the point. So how to set JAVA_HOME on Windows, Mac os, and Linux?
1.Set JAVA_HOME on Windows
There are two ways to configure JAVA_HOME on windows depending on which version you have (windows 10, 8 or 7). In order to set JAVA_HOME environment variable, please follow below steps.
1.1.Set JAVA_HOME on Windows 10 and 8
To set JAVA_HOME on windows 10/8, you need to follow these steps below:
- Search for 'advanced system settings' on windows Search
- Then, select 'View advanced system settings' in the shown options
- Now you need to click on 'Environment Variables' under the Advanced tab
- Click on 'New (or User variables for single user)' in the System variables section
- In this step, you will have to set JAVA_HOME as the Variable name and in the Variable value you will have to give the path to JDK installation, then click OK
- To finish the configuration, click OK then Apply to save changes
1.2.Windows 7
Configuring the environment variable on windows 7 is little bit different. Below the steps.
- On the Start menu or on the desktop, right-click on 'My computer' and then select 'Properties'
- Click on 'Environment Variables' under the Advanced tab
- Click on 'New (or User variables for single user)' in the System variables section
- Now, set JAVA_HOME as the Variable name and as the Variable value, the path to JDK installation, then click OK
- Click OK then Apply to save and apply changes
1.3.Verifying JAVA_HOME configuration
To verify that you correctly set the JAVA_HOME environment variable, open Command prompt (windows + R) and check JAVA_HOME variable's value:
If you have rightly configure JAVA_HOME, the result should be similar to the following:
2.Set JAVA_HOME on Mac OS X
Setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable on Mac OS is little bit different from configuring it on windows. To do so, all you need is to follow the steps described below.
2.1.Mac OS X 10.5 or Newer - Single user
Since OS X 10.5 was revealed, Apple added a command line tool (/usr/libexec/java_home) which dynamically finds for the current user, the top java version specified in Java Preferences.
Let's start by opening ~/.bash_profile in any text editor and add:
Then, save and close the file.
On the Terminal, run the following source command to apply all the changes.
At this point, you can check JAVA_HOME variable’s value using:

Below the expected result (jdk installation path)
2.2.Mac OS X Older Versions
Before OS X 10.5, you had to set the exact path to the JDK installation. If you have the concerned version of Mac Os, you need to to open ~/.bash_profile in any editor and add:
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Then, save and close the file.
On the Terminal, run the following source command to apply all the changes.
At this point, you can check JAVA_HOME variable’s value using:
Below the expected result (jdk installation path)
2.3.Global Setting
Instead of setting JAVA_HOME for a single user, you can configure it globally by following the same steps as for single user except that you will have to use the file /etc/profile.
3.Set JAVA_HOME on Linux
On linux, there are two ways to set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. Below steps for configuring for both single user or globally.
3.1.Single User
To configure JAVA_HOME for a single user in Linux, you need to use /etc/profile or /etc/environment (system-wide setting or ~/.bashrc (user specific setting).
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Now you need to open ~/.bashrc in your text editor using:
and add:
To apply changes, save and close the file.
Next step, you will have to run the source command to load the variable using the following:
To verify the JAVA_Home value, use:
And the result should be something similar to the following (the path of JDK installation):
3.2.Global Setting
I personally prefer to set the JAVA_HOME globally for all users using:
So you have to open /etc/environment in any text editor using:
and add:
NB: /etc/environment is not a script. It represents a list of assignment which are read at the time of login.
To set the environment variable JAVA_HOME, you need to open /etc/profile and add in it:
Then run the source command in order to load the variable using:
Of course, you need to check JAVA_HOME variable’s value at the end of the configuration using:
And the result should be something similar to (the path of the JDK installation):
PS: Please note that these steps are also valid for Ubuntu OS. All that you need to verify, is to check where is java installed by:
Then, follow the steps described above.

To summarize, we’ve covered in today’s article, the steps that you need to follow to configure JAVA_HOME environment variable correctly in your environment (windows, mac os, and linux).
From TomTom home it's possible to buy and install maps, operate the device using your mouse and keyboard instead of the screen, update software and firmware, share map corrections with other users through Map Share, and make backup copies of all of your navigator's content.
Other maintenance that you can perform through TomTom Home includes: viewing the device's content and freeing up space, copying components to your computer's hard drive, deleting unnecessary components, and accessing the TomTom accessory store.
For Mac OS X 10.4 or later. Users of TomTom Navigator 6 should download this other version of the program that is compatible with Mac OS X Panther (10.3.9).