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The first release of the new OS — Mac OS X Server 1.0 — used a modified version of the Mac OS GUI, but all client versions starting with Mac OS X Developer Preview 3 used a new theme known as Aqua. Aqua was a substantial departure from the Mac OS 9 interface, which had evolved with little change from that of the original Macintosh operating. The Mac OS X Mail application will allow you to set up filters or rules that process or sort mail as you receive it. For example, you can filter mail from a certain sender into a folder with the sender's name. Newer versions of Mail, by default, don't show your Outbox in your folder list. Even if you go offline and then compose a new email and hit Send, you will still not see an Outbox (some users note that their Outbox will show up temporarily, but will be gone after restarting Mail).

1 1 like 14,690 views Last modified Nov 24, 2013 4:15 PM

This is meant to be a follow-on to my User Tip Setting up a local web server on OS X. Setting up a mail server is a bit more complex and not always required, so I put this document into its own post. I tried to use mail server in OS X Server, but found this process easier. 🙂


  1. Solid understanding of and how to run command-line programs.
  2. Basic understanding of mail servers.
  3. Basic usage of vi. You can substitute nano if you want.
  4. Xcode and basic understanding of how to build software form the command line.

Lines in bold are what you will have to type in at the Terminal.

Replace <your local host> with the name of your machine. Ideally, it should be a one-word name with no spaces or punctuation. It just makes life easier.

Replace <your short user name> with your short user name.

Replace <your login password> with your password.

Here goes... Enjoy!

Download the UW IMAP software from

If using the Finder

  1. from the Go menu choose Connect to Server...
  2. enter under Server Address:
  3. Login as guest
  4. Drag the file imap-2007f.tar.gz to your Desktop

Double click imap-2007f.tar.gz to expand the archive.

Fix the makefile. Open imap-2007f/Makefile and comment out line 422 that reads:


by inserting a # pound symbol at the start of the line so that it reads:


Build the software with:

make oxp SSLDIR=/usr SSLCERTS=/System/Library/OpenSSL/certs

Create a place to store the server:

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/libexec

Copy the server into place:

sudo mv ipopd/ipop3d /usr/local/libexec

Create a PAM authentication module:

sudo cp /etc/pam.d/ftpd /etc/pam.d/pop

Create a self-signed certificate (this is all on one line):

sudo openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out /System/Library/OpenSSL/certs/ipop3d.pem -keyout /System/Library/OpenSSL/certs/ipop3d.pem -days 3650

Fill in the prompts for your local mail server.

Create launchd config files

sudo touch /Library/LaunchDaemons/edu.washington.pop3.plist

sudo vi /Library/LaunchDaemons/edu.washington.pop3.plist

Enter the following content:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC '-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN' ''>

<plist version='1.0'>



























Do the same for /Library/LaunchDaemons/edu.washington.pop3s.plist. changing Label to edu.washington.pop3s and SockServiceName to pop3s.

Load the launchd config files:

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/edu.washington.pop3.plist

sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/edu.washington.pop3s.plist

Test your POP server:

openssl s_client -connect localhost:995


depth=0 <certificate stuff…>

emailAddress=<the e-mail address you used for the certificate>

verify error:num=18:self signed certificate

verify return:1

depth=0 <certificate stuff…>

emailAddress=<the e-mail address you used for the certificate>

verify return:1


Certificate chain

0 s:<certificate stuff…>

i:<certificate stuff…>


Server certificate


<certificate content in base64>


subject=<certificate stuff…>

emailAddress=<the e-mail address you used for the certificate>

issuer=<certificate stuff…>

emailAddress=<the e-mail address you used for the certificate>


No client certificate CA names sent


SSL handshake has read 1037 bytes and written 328 bytes


New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is AES256-SHA

Server public key is 1024 bit

Secure Renegotiation IS supported

Compression: NONE

Expansion: NONE


Protocol : TLSv1

Cipher : AES256-SHA

Session-ID: <something…>


Master-Key: <something else…>

Key-Arg : None

Start Time: 1311510626

Timeout : 300 (sec)

Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate)


+OK POP3 localhost 2007f.104 server ready

user <your short user name>

+OK User name accepted, password please

pass <your login password>

Mac Email

+OK Mailbox open, <some number of> messages


+OK Sayonara


Edit the launchd config file for postfix:

sudo vi /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.master.plist

Add the following:



after the lines:



And remove the following:



Restart postfix master:

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.master.plist

sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.postfix.master.plist

Test your SMTP server:

Split Screen In Mail Mac Os

telnet <your local host> 25

Trying fec0:0:0:fea9::1...


Connected to <your local host>.

Escape character is '^]'.

220 pele.local ESMTP Postfix

EHLO <your local host>

250-<your local host>


250-SIZE 10485760








Hold down the control key and type ]:

Enter the following at the telnet> prompt:

telnet> quit

Construct a test message:

From: <your short user name>@<your local host>

To: <your short user name>@<your local host>

Subject: This is a local test

This is a local test of the mail system.

Mail Mac Os Update

Send your test message:

cat test.txt sendmail -t

Setup Apple Mail to connect to:

Incoming Mail Server: <your local host>

User Name: <your short user name>

Password: <your login password>

Outgoing Mail Server SMTP: <your local host>

Use only this server: checked


Port: 995

Use SSL checked

Authentication: Password

Check your e-mail in Apple Mail. Accept the certificate.

Start up from macOS Recovery

Determine whether you're using a Mac with Apple silicon, then follow the appropriate steps:

Yahoo Mail Mac Os X

Apple silicon

Turn on your Mac and continue to press and hold the power button until you see the startup options window. Click the gear icon labeled Options, then click Continue.

Intel processor

Make sure that your Mac has a connection to the internet. Then turn on your Mac and immediately press and hold Command (⌘)-R until you see an Apple logo or other image.

If you're asked to select a user you know the password for, select the user, click Next, then enter their administrator password.

Reinstall macOS

Select Reinstall macOS from the utilities window in macOS Recovery, then click Continue and follow the onscreen instructions.

Follow these guidelines during installation:

  • If the installer asks to unlock your disk, enter the password you use to log in to your Mac.
  • If the installer doesn't see your disk, or it says that it can't install on your computer or volume, you might need to erase your disk first.
  • If the installer offers you the choice between installing on Macintosh HD or Macintosh HD - Data, choose Macintosh HD.
  • Allow installation to complete without putting your Mac to sleep or closing its lid. Your Mac might restart and show a progress bar several times, and the screen might be empty for minutes at a time.

After installation is complete, your Mac might restart to a setup assistant. If you're selling, trading in, or giving away your Mac, press Command-Q to quit the assistant without completing setup. Then click Shut Down. When the new owner starts up the Mac, they can use their own information to complete setup.

Other macOS installation options

When you install macOS from Recovery, you get the current version of the most recently installed macOS, with some exceptions:

  • On an Intel-based Mac: If you use Shift-Option-Command-R during startup, you're offered the macOS that came with your Mac, or the closest version still available. If you use Option-Command-R during startup, in most cases you're offered the latest macOS that is compatible with your Mac. Otherwise you're offered the macOS that came with your Mac, or the closest version still available.
  • If the Mac logic board was just replaced, you may be offered only the latest macOS that is compatible with your Mac. If you just erased your entire startup disk, you may be offered only the macOS that came with your Mac, or the closest version still available.

You can also use these methods to install macOS, if the macOS is compatible with your Mac:

  • Use the App Store to download and install the latest macOS.
  • Use the App Store or a web browser to download and install an earlier macOS.
  • Use a USB flash drive or other secondary volume to create a bootable installer.