Redwood Mac OS
Original 2016 RVMAC members. From left: Katrina Frey, Chris Boyd, Debra Ramirez, Alex de Grassi, Cassie Taaning, Estelle Clifton, Marybeth Kelly, Melinda Hunter, and Sheilah Rogers, being sworn in by Carre Brown in 2016.
The Redwood Valley Municipal Advisory Council RVMAC is a group of 7 members and 2 alternate members, who serve by appointment of the Board of Supervisors. The function of the RVMAC is to act as an advisory group and the voice of Redwood Valley residents to the County of Mendocino Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, and other agencies that take actions affecting the community. Membership on the RVMAC is voluntary (application form for membership may be accessed in the 'About RV Mac' section of this website); no members receive any compensation. The RVMAC can't pass laws or regulations. They are under requirements of the Brown Act (see Resources section of this website), which requires OPEN MEETINGS whenever a quorum (4 or more) of members meet or talk. Meeting agendas are posted for public viewing (this website, the RV Post Office, the site of the meeting--usually the Grange/Guild-- and the RV Market) at least 72 hours in advance. For the RVMAC to gain success in influencing Board and other agency decisions, we encourage wide participation by our Redwood Valley neighbors.
Dolly Riley (Chair), Jini Reynolds (Vice-Chair), Katrina Frey (Treasurer), Chris (Wick) Boyd, Sattie Clark, Patricia (Pien) Ris-Yarbrough, Marybeth Kelly (Alternate Member) and VACANT POSITION (Alternate Member), VACANT POSITION (Secretary).
Redwood Mac Os X
The Redwood Valley Municipal Advisory Council RVMAC is a group of 7 members and 2 alternate members, who serve by appointment of the Board of Supervisors. The function of the RVMAC is to act as an advisory group and the voice of Redwood Valley residents to the County of Mendocino Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, and other agencies. Yarn redwood prisma migrate dev # Migrate from SQLite to Postgres. If you've already created migrations using SQLite, e.g. You have a migrations directory at api/db/migrations, follow this two-step process. Remove existing migrations. For Linux and Mac OS From your project root directory, run either command corresponding to your OS.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the RV MAC, please follow the link below to fill out an application. MAC members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The RV MAC shall have 7 members and 2 alternates. All members shall serve 4 year terms.
Also, we are in great need of an Acting Secretary (a paid position at $18/hour) to take notes and minutes, and to update this website on the Squarespace application. Inquire by contacting the MAC or any member via this website or at our PO Box (243, Redwood Valley, Ca. 95470). Come join the team and earn some cash!!!!!
Supervisor Carre Brown administers service oath to retired member, Sandra Berman
Ex-officio members are those who have termed out or retired from the MAC but still actively participate in specific projects.
Alex de Grassi [ex-officio member*] graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Economic Geography, but has since pursued a career as a recording artist and internationally touring concert guitarist. He and his wife, Alison, moved to Redwood Valley from San Francisco in 1994, where both are active members of the Mendocino County community. For more information, please visit
Sheilah Rogers [ex-officio member*] moved to Redwood Valley in 1972 and is still grateful to have found the place that she and her husband Steve call home. Sheilah is a recognized pioneer and champion of micro-business development in the U.S. As the founding CEO of Mendocino County’s West Company, she worked with colleagues in California and across the country to recognize locally owned small businesses as the major economic engine of rural economies. She is currently a member of the Mendocino County Food Policy Council.
Not pictured
Christine Boyd (aka 'Wick') graduated from UC Irvine and worked for 32 years in local government, including 3 years as Manager of the Orange County Emergency Management Division. Upon retirement, she was a Deputy Fire Marshal/Battalion Chief for a large Southern California fire department. In 2020, she was elected to the Board of Directors of the Redwood Valley-Calpella Fire District. She holds a certificate in Haz Mat Management and is a part-time instructor in ballet at Mendocino College, Chris and her husband, Tom, have lived in Redwood Valley for over 13 years. They are dedicated to helping maintain our community's rural character.
Katrina Frey, Treasurer of the MAC, graduated from Earldom College and moved to Covelo, where she studied biodynamic farming before founding the organic, Biodynamic Frey Vineyards, Ltd., in Redwood Valley with her husband, Jonathan, and brother-in-law, Matthew. Working jobs from grape picker to her current position as Executive Director, Katrina is treasurer of Taste of Redwood Valley, board member of the Demeter Assoc., a past director on the RV Water District, among other offices. In 2004, she helped spearhead the passing of the Mendocino County initiative banning GMO crops and animals.
To get the latest features and maintain the security, stability, compatibility, and performance of your Mac, it's important to keep your software up to date. Apple recommends that you always use the latest macOS that is compatible with your Mac.

Learn how to upgrade to macOS Big Sur, the latest version of macOS.
Check compatibility
If a macOS installer can't be used on your Mac, the installer will let you know. For example, it might say that it's too old to be opened on this version of macOS, or that your Mac doesn't have enough free storage space for the installation.

To confirm compatibility before downloading, check the minimum requirements for macOS Catalina, Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, or Yosemite. You can also find compatibility information on the product-ID page for MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, MacBook, iMac, Mac mini, or Mac Pro.
Make a backup
Before installing, it’s a good idea to back up your Mac. Time Machine makes it simple, and other backup methods are also available. Learn how to back up your Mac.
Download macOS
It takes time to download and install macOS, so make sure that you're plugged into AC power and have a reliable internet connection.
Safari uses these links to find the old installers in the App Store. After downloading from the App Store, the installer opens automatically.
- macOS Catalina 10.15 can upgrade Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks
- macOS Mojave 10.14 can upgrade High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion
- macOS High Sierra 10.13 can upgrade Sierra, El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion
Safari downloads the following older installers as a disk image named InstallOS.dmg or InstallMacOSX.dmg. Open the disk image, then open the .pkg installer inside the disk image. It installs an app named Install [Version Name]. Open that app from your Applications folder to begin installing the operating system.
Redwood Microsystems
- macOS Sierra 10.12 can upgrade El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion, or Lion
- OS X El Capitan 10.11 can upgrade Yosemite, Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion, or Snow Leopard
- OS X Yosemite 10.10can upgrade Mavericks, Mountain Lion, Lion, or Snow Leopard
Redwood Mac Os Download
Install macOS
Follow the onscreen instructions in the installer. It might be easiest to begin installation in the evening so that it can complete overnight, if needed.
If the installer asks for permission to install a helper tool, enter the administrator name and password that you use to log in to your Mac, then click Add Helper.
Redwood Mascot
Please allow installation to complete without putting your Mac to sleep or closing its lid. Your Mac might restart, show a progress bar, or show a blank screen several times as it installs macOS and related firmware updates.
Learn more
Redwood Macomb
You might also be able to use macOS Recovery to reinstall the macOS you're using now, upgrade to the latest compatible macOS, or install the macOS that came with your Mac.