Super Basic Man Mac OS

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  1. Super Basic Man Mac Os 7
  2. New Mac Os 11

Processorbasicinfo - Defines the basic information about a processor. Processor Set Interface The processor set interface allows for the grouping of tasks and processors for the purpose of exclusive scheduling. These interface are deprecated and should not be used in code that isn't tied to a particular release of Mac OS X/Darwin. To log into your Mac on another Mac, execute the command: ssh -l username remote-address. Replace username with the username you'd use to log into OS X and remote-address with the IP address given to you in the Sharing pane. You can now control your Mac and execute Terminal commands remotely, a real plus.

Over time, your Mac probably accumulates a lot of cruft. Old applications you no longer use, data you have no use for, a desktop full of icons (only four of which you actually ever use)…you know what I mean. With so many people working from home lately, the problem has only gotten worse.

Now is as good a time as any to tidy up your Mac, freeing up storage space and probably CPU cycles and RAM in the process. Here are a few tips to make quick work of your Mac “spring cleaning.”

Optimize Storage

Open the Storage Management app, either by using Spotlight (Command-space) or by clicking the Apple logo in the upper left of the menu bar, choosing About This Mac, clicking the Storage tab, then Manage.

In the Recommendations tab you’ll see a number of useful options, like Store in iCloud and Empty Trash Automatically. The Optimize Storage solution will get rid of things like old TV shows you’ve already watched and old email attachments when you’re low on storage space.

Take a look at your Applications and Documents

While you’re in the Storage Management app, click on the Applications tab in the left column. You can see all your installed applications here and sort them by size, easily deleting apps you haven’t used in ages.


Then, click on Documents in the left tab. There are several sections here, like Large Files and Unsupported Apps, that are worth perusing. Big library files (for apps like Lightroom or Final Cut Pro) are likely to show up here, and you might not want to mess with them. But you may have old large files and documents, or apps that no longer even work on your version of macOS, that you can safely remove.

Get your desktop under control

If your desktop is littered with icons, you should probably tidy things up a bit. Right-click (two-finger tap on a trackpad) any open space and choose Clean Up to get things arranged neatly, or Clean Up By to sort them as well. Consider the Use Stacks feature to automatically stack-up files of the same type into a single icon. Just click on that icon to open the stack. This can really tidy up your desktop!

Try DaisyDisk

Power users that really want to clean out their Mac’s storage may want to check out a third party app like DaisyDisk ($9.99). It’s a simple and clear way to see everything on your Mac, or any other attached storage device or drive. It can do things like dig into the mysterious “Other” category and help you clear out what you don’t need.

It may seem unnecessary to pay money for an app that just helps you delete stuff from your Mac’s storage, but there’s a lot of value in disk analyzers like this. It can really be eye-opening to see exactly what’s filling up your Mac’s SSD.

Mach IPC presents itself in a few forms: message queues, lock-sets, and semaphores (more may be added in the future). All share one common charateristic: the capabilities presented by each are represented through a handle known as a Mach port. Specific rights represented in these Mach port capability handles allow the underlying IPC object to be used and manipulated in consistent ways.

Mach Message Queue Interface

mach_msg - Send and/or receive a message from the target port.
mach_msg_overwrite - Send and/or receive messages with possible overwrite.

Mach Message Queue Data Structures

mach_msg_descriptor - Specifies an element of a complex IPC message.
mach_msg_header - Specifies the content of an IPC message header.

Mach Lock-Set Interface

lock_acquire - Acquire ownership a lock
lock_handoff - Hand-off ownership of a lock.
lock_handoff_accept - Accept lock ownership from a handoff.
lock_make_stable - Stabilize the state of the specified lock.
lock_release - Release ownership of a lock.
lock_set_create - Create a new lock set.
lock_set_destroy - Destroy a lock set and its associated locks.
lock_try - Attempt to acquire access rights to a lock.

Mach Semaphore Interface

semaphore_create - Create a new semaphore.
semaphore_destroy - Destroy a semaphore.
semaphore_signal - Increments the semaphore count.
semaphore_signal_all - Wake up all threads blocked on a semaphore.
semaphore_wait - Wait on the specified semaphore.

Mach Port Management Interface

mach_port_allocate - Create caller-specified type of port right.
mach_port_allocate_full - Create a port right with full Mach port semantics.
mach_port_allocate_name - Create a port right with the caller-specified name.
mach_port_allocate_qos - Allocate a port with specified 'quality of service'.
mach_port_allocate_subsystem - Create a port right associated with the caller-specified subsystem.
mach_port_deallocate - Decrement the target port right's user reference count.
mach_port_destroy - Deallocate all port rights associated with specified name.
mach_port_extract_right - Remove the specified right from the target task and return it to the caller.
mach_port_get_attributes - Return information about target port as specified by the caller.
mach_port_get_refs - Return the current count of user references on the target port right.
mach_port_get_set_status - Return the port right names contained in the target port set.
mach_port_insert_right - Insert the specified port right into the target task.
mach_port_mod_refs - Modify the specified port right's count of user references.
mach_port_move_member - Move the specified receive right into or out of the specified port set.
mach_port_names - Return information about a task's port name space.
mach_port_request_notification - Request notification of the specified port event type.
mach_port_set_attributes - Set the target port's attributes.
mach_port_set_mscount - Change the target port's make-send count.
mach_port_set_seqno - Change the current value of the target port's sequence number.
mach_port_type - Return the characteristics of the target port name.
mach_reply_port - Allocate a new port and insert corresponding receive right in the calling task.
mach_subsystem_create - Used by a server to register information about an RPC subsystem with the kernel.

Mach Port Data Structures

mach_port_limits - Specifies a port's resource and message queue limits.
mach_port_qos - Specifies a port's attributes with respect to 'Quality Of Service.'
mach_port_status - Used to present a port's current status with respect to various important attributes.

Super Basic Man Mac Os 7

Mach Port Notification Callbacks

do_mach_notify_dead_name - Handle the current instance of a dead-name notification.
do_mach_notify_no_senders - Handle the current instance of a no-more-senders notification.
do_mach_notify_port_deleted - Handle the current instance of a port-deleted notification.
do_mach_notify_port_destroyed - Handle the current instance of a port-destroyed notification.
do_mach_notify_send_once - Handle the current instance of a send-once notification.

Mach Port Notification Callback Server Helpers

New Mac Os 11

notify_server - Detect and handle a kernel-generated IPC notification.