Vishwask Force Mac OS

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One of my previous article talks about fresh or upgrade Installation of McAfee agent on Mac OS. But did you ever tried re-Installing the existing version of McAfee agent? Thus the result would be negative. So this post explains the reason behind it. And to overcome this check & force re-install same version of McAfee agent on Mac OS. Please be aware this document created for clients in ePO environment. For demonstration, I have Mac book running McAfee agent version 5.6.2 and will show you how to force Install same version again.

  1. Vishwask Force Mac Os 11
  2. Vishwask Force Mac Os Download
  3. Vishwask Force Mac Os X

Why re-installation fails?

The Installer script’s “preinstall check block” do compares both Installing and existing (Installed) versions. As a result if both versions found to be same, the Installer terminate task with error as shown below.

If you succeed in downloading the OS installation, your next step is to create a bootable USB or DVD and then reinstall the OS on your computer. How to download older Mac OS X versions via the App Store. If you once had purchased an old version of Mac OS X from the App Store, open it and go to the Purchased tab. Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) and above: Java is not pre-installed with Mac OS X versions 10.7 and above. To get the latest Java from Oracle, you will need Mac OS X 10.7.3 and above. If you have Java 7 or later versions, you will see a Java icon under System Preferences. Java versions 6 and below are listed in the Java located in the. Try force-quitting an application. If your Mac froze after you opened a specific application, you can try force-quitting the application by doing the following: Press ⌘ Command +⌥ Option + Esc to bring up the Force Quit window. Click the program you want to force-quit.

Actually version check part is still applicable for windows clients too. But there you have “/ForceInstall” switch to overcome it.

What does force Install means here?

Now like windows Installer, lets do apply small modification to Mac OS McAfee agent Install script. As it makes Installer to assume Installing version is higher than existing version of McAfee agent. In other words just masking the version check.

Enable Force Install Action

McAfee Install script for Mac actually written as bash shell script. And it includes Install logic as well as encoded Install binaries at the end. Therefore do not modify anything even white space at encoded bin area. But good thing is not much changes needed. Because just need to add few lines of additional code.

  • Download the Installation files from ePO and extract it. If you are not sure how to do it, please do refer Get McAfee agent package from ePO.
  • Edit the Installer script using your preferred editor. For example notepad++, vim, etc.
  • Look for code block “Cannot have install and upgrade together” and then Insert the code above to it. This should work for McAfee agent versions greater than
  • On Mac OS, McAfee verifies currently Installed agent properties from config file “/etc/ma.d/EPOAGENT3000/config.xml“. This file holds the details of version currently running. Therefore at the beginning of the Installation above code will modify the config and set version to When the Installation finishes the version number automatically updated by current Installer. Certainly we are not altering any Important codes nor binaries. Since this method of approach is safe and should not create any harm.
  • After doing modifications that particular section should be similar to below.

Note: Do not modify anything beyond this line. Since its the encoded binary area. Which will be extracted into binary during Installation. Even adding a white space make this Installer script useless.

Now we have enabled force Install option without affecting any other Install options. So lets try out.

force re-install McAfee agent on Mac OS

Execute the Installer with additional argument “-f” (force)


Then take a look at the log, instead of error you should see progressive messages like below.

Finally verify agent settings and version.


In other words we made the Installer script ready with force action enabled. So use without switch “-f” for normal Installation and vice versa.

In conclusion, by doing simple tweak we did force re-install same version of McAfee agent on Mac OS. Hope this does helps you. Most Importantly “thank you” for reading my post. Please post your comments and suggestions.

Apple first announced its computers would switch to Intel-based processors in 2005. After 10 years on the PowerPC architecture, which never took hold in the mainstream personal PC market, Macs were coming over to the more common x86 architecture, and the immediate question was obvious. Can the Mac operating system be tricked into running on non-Apple hardware? The answer was a definite yes, and solutions soon emerged, but in those early days it was very hard to get them working, with a lot of crashes and limited support for hardware.

Now, things are considerably easier. Lots of sites offer free software and boot loaders to help you to install OS X, plus compatible drivers and detailed instructions by developers who are often online on forums to answer your questions… It is possible to build an equivalent to or even better than Mac in terms of performance for a fraction of the price from pc parts, however experience with hardware is a must. The Hackintosh community has come a long way in the last 7-8 years and the tools and methods available make is easy for most people to build one. As long as you buy compatible parts, have patience and can put them together yourself, you can have a very stable Hackintosh, but as I said, its mostly for hobbyists or those driven to have a mac at low cost.

Vishwask Force Mac Os 11

Macintosh computers can only be classified as such if they have official Apple branding on them and run on Apple approved hardware configurations. Just because you are able to port OS X to run other processors and hardware configurations does not make your computer a Mac; you may run the Mac operating system, but it’s not a Mac since it’s not Apple branded. Also, Os X EULA states that you can run Os X on Apple labeled hardware only.

Vishwask Force Mac Os Download

– desing
– style
– high price
– Manufacturer Warranty

Vishwask Force Mac Os X

– 3-4 x cheeper than same performance mac
– SSD as system drive (it’s real expensive in real macs)
– More HDD drives
– better RAM, and more RAM, even better Mother board, CPU…

The choice is yours, but be careful when choosing your hardware, and always back up your data first:)